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Curl patterns, texture, density, and thickness are the easiest hair typing categories to visually identify. The issue with stopping at these is that they are the least important factors of our hair types when it comes to choosing products that will work. This is because they have nothing to do with how our hair receives, retains, or releases moisture. If you have had curly hair for any amount of time, you have probably realized by now that moisture is the number one goal for beautiful, healthy, and manageable strands.

Video by Jamesa Hill

IG: @mrshill_jam24


What is porosity?

Porosity is a measurement of your hair’s ability to absorb and hold moisture. This is determined by the structure of your hair cuticles and whether or not they contain any gaps or wholes. There are three general levels of porosity: high, medium/balanced, and low.

The Three Levels of Porosity

  1. High - Dries quickly, tangles easily, is prone to breakage, and fairs best with protective styles (i.e. twist-outs). High porosity hair can be natural or can stem from the use of chemicals (dyes, relaxers, perms, etc.) in one's hair.

  2. Medium/Balanced - Absorbs and retains moisture and products on its own, has moderate tangles and knots, takes some effort to maintain protective styles, but is easy when the hair is detangled. Medium/Balanced porosity can also be natural or achieved with a long-term healthy hair regimen.

  3. Low - Takes long to dry, experiences product build-up easily, and is prone to single-strand knots, takes more effort to maintain a protective style.

Porosity is the most important part of your hair type to know because first, it determines what ingredients and treatments work well for your hair. The second reason is people from all sides of each other hair type category can have the same hair porosity and those within the same exact categories can have completely different levels of porosity.

It is the only aspect of our hair type that we cannot gauge just by looking at our's or someone else's hair. So when we go looking for product recommendations, we always want to consider whether the source has the same porosity as us or is overall educated about the different levels of porosity. In plain English, we do not recommend following the advice from v/bloggers who do not have the same level of porosity you do. Thank us now in the comments, or later if you have or were going to without knowing ;)!


How can you determine your hair's porosity level?

The characteristics of each porosity level mentioned above are enough to determine what level your hair is at, but there are some tests (that may not be as accurate) that you can try. Here is the most popular test below.

*Float Test

Take some freshly washed strands from different regions of your head, and drop one in a glass of water. Then, observe where the strand is within the glass after several minutes have passed. Low porosity hair will sit at the very top of the water, or float. High porosity strands will sit at the bottom of the glass, or sink. Medium porosity hair will not sit at either extreme but will float somewhere within the middle of the glass.

*Please note that this test is not always accurate and the characteristics of each level of porosity above will be your best best bet at determining your hair type.


What is your hair's porosity level? Have you been following the wrong advice for your hair type?



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